Thomas Paine

Wednesday, January 12, 2011


After spending too much time blogging/commenting on other websites, I realized a few things: 1) I was spending too much blogging on other websites; 2) the format on many of those sites is very similar to a chat room in that you have very limited space to make a meaningful post, you spend much of your time trying to limit the amount of characters you use via abbreviations, acronyms, etc., and the temptation is to just take potshots at the post to which you are responding because of the limitations on size; and 3) people on the Left are not willing to set aside their ideologies and listen to facts. This fact is no better displayed then in the reactions of the Left to the horrific events in Arizona this past weekend. The immediate response of the Leftist media was to blame the Right, even though there were absolutely no facts to support a finding that the shooter, Jared Lee Loughner, was motivated by anything he heard, saw, or read from the Right. Others took a different tact: instead of directly blaming the Right and conservative media, they attributed it to vitriolic rhetoric. "Vitriolic rhetoric" is the Left's way of saying: "the Right" or "conservative media." A nine year old girl and 5 other people died, for God's sake. 12 other people were wounded. Show some respect. Don't try to capitalize on their misery for political gain, especially when you have to grope blindly in the dark to find something worthwhile to include in your idiotic screeds.

Speaking of being opportunistic, it took less than a day for the Progressives to give their typical response: guns and certain words and symbols (not people, mind you, but guns and free speech) kill people, so we have to ban them. Rep. Carolyn McCarthy said that she was going to introduce a bill this past Monday (she made this comment on Sunday) that would impose stricter bans on handguns. Do you think she might have already drafted that bill and kept it tucked away somewhere waiting for the right opportunity? Do you think that her staff was able to, during the weekend and after the shooting (basically on a Sunday), just pull that bill out of thin air? As "Dead Fish" Rahm Emanuel would say: "Never let a good crisis go to waste." Rep. Bob Brady (D-PA) thought that it was a good idea to introduce legislation that would make it a federal crime to use language or symbols that could be perceived as threatening or inciting violence against a federal official or member of Congress. Now, no one wants anyone to threaten or incite violence against a federal official, but Congressman Brady seems to not understand that he is trampling on the First Amendment when he suggests that. By the way, Congressman, who is going to be the person that makes the decision? A Commerce Department bureaucrat? Someone who will be part of a new agency called, perhaps, the Federal Bureau of Dangerous Language and Symbols? A little too Orwellian for me, thank you.

I realized very quickly after this weekend that I had had enough of endless arguing with liberals who fail to set aside their scripts and talking points long enough to survey the evidence. It was time to make a change. In short, it is very, VERY good to be back and I look forward to being able to rant with abandon and achieve a modicum of catharsis by posting again on this blog. Come join me!

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