Thomas Paine

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Analyzing the Mind of the Left pt. 2

Let's break down Mr. Lewis's article:

“While many have been surprised by the seemingly sudden uprising in Egypt, the real question isn't about how it happened but why it didn't happen sooner.”

Actually, the question that everyone should be asking is “why now?” Why did it take 30 years under Mubarak for the people to revolt? Does it have to do with the 1979 Islamic Revolution in Iran? After all, Mubarak stepped down on the 32nd anniversary (yes, to the date) of the Shah’s ouster in Iran. For a culture where everything carries symbolic meaning, that date cannot be a mere coincidence.

The Egyptian military has taken over the government, dissolved parliament, and suspended the constitution. Military leaders promise that a committee will be appointed to amend the constitution. I assume that the military leaders will be the ones to elect the members of the committee. Can someone tell me how this revolution is any different than any number of revolutions that have occurred in the past? Another question: the people are complaining about, not only oppression, but the lack of basic necessities like food and housing. The Egyptian constitution already created a democratic socialist state that provides for the feeding, clothing, and sheltering of its people. Why, then, do they want to amend the constitution? The skeptic in me says that the new constitution most likely will decrease individual liberties as opposed to increasing them.

But, let's get back to Mr. Lewis's post and answer his rhetorical question. The revolt in Egypt happened now because it was planned that way. Glenn Beck has already done an expose on this and a full discussion of this issue is beyond the scope of what we are doing now, but, suffice it to say that, first, you have the Obama State Department's direct involvement in encouraging revolt. Research the Alliance of Youth Movements and the backgrounds of its constituent organizations. Look at the role of Wael Ghonim, the Google executive. Go to the international union, socialist party, and communist party websites. This coup was staged from the beginning.

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