Thomas Paine

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Marxists tell us this shouldn't happen

Today, the Egyptian military dissolved that nation's parliament and suspended its Constitution, citing, as justification, that the November and December 2010 parliamentary elections were rigged by the ruling party. The military also said that it is forming a committee to recommend amendments to the Egyptian constitution.

Why would they want to amend their constitution when their country is already a socialist utopia? "The Arab Republic of Egypt is a Socialist Democratic State based on the alliance of the working forces of the people." (ch. 1, art. 1). What? There are food shortages, high unemployment, and abject poverty in a socialist state? How is that possible? Oh, because they had a dictator that stole billions from the people. But I thought EVERYONE was equal in a socialist state. You mean, the ruling elite of socialist countries get privileges that are denied the average citizen?

Why would the Egyptians want to amend a constitution that guarantees them "cultural, social and health services?" (ch. 2, art. 16) Or one that guarantees "social and health insurance services" and provides that "all citizens shall have the right to pensions in cases of incapacity, unemployment, and old-age?" (ch. 2, art. 17). Or one that says education is a guaranteed right? (ch. 2, art. 18). Are you telling me Egyptians have all of these freebies from the governmentt and they still are starving and can't find jobs? How is that possible?

Finally, Egypt's constitution also provides that the "national economy shall be organised in accordance with a comprehensive development plan which ensures raising the national income, fair distribution, raising the standard of living, solving the problem of unemployment, increasing work opportunities, connecting wages with production, fixing a minimum and maximum limit for wages in a manner that guarantees lessening the disparities between incomes." How could a planned economy not increase the prosperity of Egypt's citizens? It even allows private ownership of property as long as it is used in "the service of the national economy within the framework of the development plan, without deviation or exploitation" or "contradict the general welfare of the people." Government control of the economy and property and still there is poverty? Marx help us!

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